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CSS tidbits - How to style the parent based on its children

For those times when you have a DOM element, but its children are responsible for how it looks ✨.

The Problem

As an example of this, we’ll work on a radio-button group. The challenge is that each option has quite a bit of information ℹ️ inside, and based on that information, the radio-button should look different. Hopefully, this will make more sense with a peek 👀 at the final result.

Good to know

Not much, this post relies solely on HTML and CSS knowledge 📚.

The Solution

We’ll split this into a couple of steps:

  1. Build the HTML of the component 🏗️
  2. Add some basic CSS styling 🎨
  3. The magic touch 🧙‍♂️

This time, I’ll try a different approach. Instead of showing big chunks of code 🧑‍💻 and explaining what all of it does, I will go bit by bit, with small, incremental changes. Please let me know what you think 🤔(you can use Twitter for example 👇).

Let’s go!

Part 1 - Build the HTML of the component 🏗️

Like I mentioned, this is a radio-button group, so let’s start with that.

<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='humans' value='humans' />
<label class='option-description' for='humans'>Humans</label>
<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='robots' value='robots' />
<label class='option-description' for='robots'>Robots</label>
<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='aliens' value='aliens' />
<label class='option-description' for='aliens'>Aliens</label>

Here we have exactly that. Three radio-buttons, all of them using the same name, meaning they all set/use the same value: audience. They have unique IDs and unique values.

Each of them also has a label that allows the user to click 👆 on the label OR the radio-button to select the value.

All this results in:

Now, let’s add more details inside our label.

<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='humans' value='humans' />
<label class='option-description' for='humans'>
<p>Select this if your intended audience is native organisms of this planet</p>
<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='robots' value='robots' />
<label class='option-description' for='robots'>
<p>Select this if your intended audience is cybernetic beings</p>
<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='aliens' value='aliens' />
<label class='option-description' for='aliens'>
<p>Select this if your intended audience is organisms from other planets</p>

Now, each label has an icon, a title, and a description. Nothing special here. It’s ugly for now, but don’t worry about that yet 😉.

Here’s the updated result

Finally, to make this a bit more self-contained, let’s add a wrapper all around everything, and let’s add a label for this audience 📣 field.

<label for='audience'>Select audience: </label>
<div class='audience-options'>
<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='humans' value='humans' />
<label class='option-description' for='humans'>
<p>Select this if your intended audience is native organisms of this planet</p>
<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='robots' value='robots' />
<label class='option-description' for='robots'>
<p>Select this if your intended audience is cybernetic beings</p>
<div class='audience-option'>
<input type='radio' name='audience' id='aliens' value='aliens' />
<label class='option-description' for='aliens'>
<p>Select this if your intended audience is organisms from other planets</p>

Now it’s all complete. HTML wise, at least. We have a fully encapsulated field, that has a label and has a radio-group input for its value.

Here’s the final HTML result.

Part 2 - Add some CSS for styling 🎨

Ok, time to make this a bit prettier.

First, the wrapper. Let’s make sure the label and the radio-button group are side by side. Not a challenge 💪 for a flexbox.

section {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
gap: 12px;

Pretty straightforward. This will make the wrapper a flexbox, and put the 2 children side by side, with a space of 12px in between.

Now, for the audience-options. Let’s make the whole element prettier ✨ by adding some space.

.audience-options {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 8px;

& h6 {
font-size: 1rem;
margin: 0;

Besides the flexbox here, we’re also using some nested selectors. For your mental model 🧠, you can replace the & with the selector that it sits inside of. So here, every & is equivalent to .audience-options. This way, & h6 becomes .audience-options h6, which translates to a h6 inside an element with a class of audience-options.

I hope this is clear. In this nested selector we adjust the spacing of the title.

Neeeext! 😁

Finally, let’s make each option-description prettier ✨. Here’s what I ended up doing.

.option-description {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto 200px;
gap: 12px;
border: 1px solid darkgrey;
border-radius: 12px;
padding: 0.5em;

& p {
margin: 0;

& p:first-of-type {
grid-row: 1/3;
font-size: 2rem;

& p:last-of-type {
font-size: 0.75rem;

It’s not spectacular, but it’s better. Same thing here with the nesting. That should make sense now. The last thing that’s a bit different here is the :first-of-type and :last-of-type selector. They do exactly that. Select the first p element in this case inside the .option-description (because of the &), and the last p element inside the .option-description.

Here’s another way of putting this:

  • & p:first-of-type ➡️ .option-description p:first-of-type ➡️ select the first p element inside an element with the option-description class.

  • & p:last-of-type ➡️ .option-description p:last-of-type ➡️ select the last p element inside an element with the option-description class.

With that out of the way, what we’re doing is using CSS Grid here to style each box. We want to make sure the emoji takes 2 rows, so it will be on the left side, and the title and the description on the right side.

This looks like a nice radio-button group.

Part 3 - The magic touch 🧙‍♂️

Ok, now we want to actually show within the box, which box is selected, and not using the radio-button circle thingy. And here lies the problem. We want to change the background of the option if, inside it, there’s a checked input 🤔.

✌️ :has to the rescue! ⚔️

Turns out this is simple to achieve.

.audience-option:has(input:checked) {
background-color: LightYellow;

What do we have here? Well, we’re selecting the elements that have the audience-option class, and inside, they HAVE an input that is checked. Makes sense?

Now, if we look at our result, we can see that the selected box has a yellow background. With that achieved, we can now hide the radio-button thingy.

.audience-options {
& input {
display: none;

We added the hiding of the input here.

This looks delightful ✨ now!

Let’s do more things here. Let’s change cursors 👆, and let’s style the disabled inputs as well. Here’s what I ended up with:

.audience-option {
& label {
cursor: pointer;

&:has(input:checked) {
background-color: LightYellow;

&:has(input:disabled) {
background-color: WhiteSmoke;
color: Gray;

&:has(input:disabled) label {
cursor: not-allowed;

Nothing new here, just more usage of the :has selector. Isn’t this 🆒?

Well, that’s about it. Go wild with this knowledge 📚 now!

Furthermore, here's a link to a working CodePen.

Congrats 🎉

You made it yet through another article. Thanks for spending the time 🕰️ reading this, and hope it provided some sort of value, since time is a limited resource. Use it wisely. 🙏

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Also, if you have questions, you know where to find me… On the internet!

Be kind to each other! 🧡

Over and out

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Catalin Ciubotaru 🚀

📢 Check out my latest article on CSS tidbits! Discover how to style the parent element based on its children, unlocking endless possibilities for dynamic web design 🚀: #HTML #CSS #UI

Dec 10, 2023
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